Monday 11 April 2011

Science & Engineering Technology Division

The NDIA Science & Engineering Technology Division (S&ETD) was re-established in July, 1997 at the request of the Department of Defense Director of Defense Research and Engineering.
The mission of the Science & Engineering Technology Division of the NDIA is to foster  science and technology affecting national defense. In pursuing this mission, the Science & Engineering Technology Division will provide a forum for discussion of the nation's defense needs by reviewing our existing capabilities and suggesting appropriate measures to overcome deficiencies in defense research and development. An important part of this activity is the opportunity for individuals from Industry, Government and Academia to provide and assess vital information in an open forum on technical needs and planned efforts. The S&ETD will be dedicated to fostering an increased interest in meeting the Department of Defense (DoD) technology requirements by creative research and advanced development throughout industry, government and academia.

Specific Objectives:-Promote collaboration among the government, academia and defense industry team
-Inform the defense research and advanced technology community about DoD's plans, goals and issues
-Review some vital aspects of challenges to defense technology
-Excite people working in advanced technology to generate new ideas for use in prospective research and technology programs
-Review major policy issues affecting defense R&D procurement and performance
-Encourage technology transfer between government, industry and academia.
-Stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship in solving DoD problems
-Engage participants in an on-going process to improve the effectiveness of the DoD Science and Technology program
-Promote lively discussion on new technology

Operating Procedures
The following mechanisms will be employed by S&ETD to facilitate the accomplishment of S&ETD stated objectives:
-Sponsorship of an annual national symposium that emphasizes interaction among DoD, industry and academia
-Initiation of specialized topical symposia on identified critical technical issues
-Development of workshops attended by experts from government, industry, and academia to generate options for action on issues critical to the defense community
-Presentation of follow-on reports and briefings to the government, industry and academic officials and the general public within the guidelines of NDIA policy
-Participation in local activities in support of S&ETD goals, e.g., lecturing at local schools and providing gifts of science equipment or related supplies.
-Sponsorship and support of appropriate academic, government, and industrial programs designed to motivate American students at every educational level to the study of science an engineering

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